If you figure out how to extract other usable files, please add the info to this page. There are other plugins, however this page currently only covers images. The UABE can be used to extract asset files from an owned unity game. Documentation and download can be found here. Portrait wallpapers and bounding box sprites / textures as well as behaviors.The Unity Assets Bundle Extractor (UABE) is an editor for Unity 3.4+//2018. Landscape wallpapers and bounding box sprites / textures as well as behaviors. Seems to be a shader reference file of some kind. defaultlocalgroup_unitybuiltinshaders.All of the text you can see in the menu system. Sprites and behaviors for virtual touch pad buttons. Regular controller button sprites are found in the ui_assets bundle. Sprites for Nintendo Switch controller buttons. This one is big, you'll want to filter by type to see them easier. UI behavior, animations, textures, and sprites. The Japanese SaGa III ROM, music, and sound effects The Japanese SaGa II ROM, music, and sound effects The Japanese SaGa I ROM, music, and sound effects You can also check out some of the other bundles to see what assets they contain. This is actually the Final Fantasy I Gameboy ROM which you can run in an emulator to verify. Navigate to the Asset List tab, click FFL1, then select Export, then "selected assets".

Go ahead and drag the romffl1_assets_all_e8aea7590909c1eb45f3809e4f3da68f.bundle file into AssetStudio. Sa・Ga COLLECTION_Data\StreamingAssets\aa\Windows\StandaloneWindows64 Note that you may have to modify UnityPlayer.dll so that it doesn't perform hash checks if you intend on using those repackaged bundles in Collection of SaGa. If you're interested in the latter though, you can look at a tool called UABEA to see if you can figure it out. Repacking the Unity AssetBundles is also not covered. ROM modding is an extensive topic and isn't covered in the guide. You can also modify or even completely change the various aforementioned menu assets. So long as you understand this, you can extract the ROMs to play in a gameboy emulator or even mod them and rebundle them. I want to stress that you should NOT be distributing these assets by any means, that is illegal. NOTE: The above denotes these were dumped from the Switch eShop using different tools called DevXUnityUnpacker and HxD, we'll be dumping from a different origin, namely the Steam game's local files, but they're the same images as identified by the hash data.Īdditionally, you'll be able to extract other assets such as original music, wallpapers, and menu sprites / textures. You'll be extracting assets from the Unity game engine, some of these assets include the following read only memory images: This guide is meant to educate you with the first steps to modding this collection.