^ Adjusted HEAT submunition initial speed to take into account air friction. ^ Improved damage/destruction visuals of M1A2SEPv2 ^ Increased illumination capability of 40mm flares

^ Reduced thermobaric wave effects & disabled pp effects ^ Improved 105mm and 155mm ILLUM rounds: Converted to use submunitions system, added realistic burn times for flares and increased their illumination capability ^ Added affectedByWind = 1 property to US signal/illum flares (countermeasure flares unchanged) ^ Increased size and observable distance of M257 Hydra rocket's flare effect ^ Adjusted green and red flare particles so that they don't look identical to white flares during daylight (green flares do still look quite white, as they do IRL) rhs_mag_M585_white class is now hidden but can still be loaded, though its displayname is also changed to M583 ^ Replaced rhs_mag_M585_white flare with rhs_mag_M583A1_white flare (M585 is a star cluster flare IRL). ^ Tweaked ignition delay and burn time of 40mm flares to realistic values ^ Added supply points to various vehicles.

^ Slight adjustment to WMX200 flashlight scale M585 white cluster, M663 green cluster, M664 red cluster